what is this?

Emily wants to write more, but she is bad at doing the thing where you sit down and actually type/scribble things out. this is her way of sitting down and actually doing those things and sharing them with folks!

why subscribe to “serendipity!”?

if you subscribe, you get full access to this quirky little newsletter and website. you’ll never miss an update. (ever.)

what else has Emily written?

here are some other pieces Emily’s worked on over the past few years:

Emily Lund: Going it alone may mean you won't get as far

It Is No Longer I That Do It

A Little Willingness to See • Fathom Mag

The Night I Read Flannery O'Connor's College Journal

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looking out for the happy accidents


communications specialist @faithleadership | @dukedivinity alum | former assistant editor @ctmagazine | crossword aficionado | "the Lord is wonderful."